Cranberry Sensory Bins

Creating a cranberry sensory bin is an easy and fun way for students to literally get their hands on some cranberries.  They can discover so much by exploring a cranberry sensory bin.

Begin with a bin full of fresh cranberries.  Let the students examine the berries and ask them questions about the physical properties.  Encourage them to use their 5 senses.  What color and shape are they?  Are the cranberries smooth or rough?  Do they smell like anything? Let them taste a fresh berry.  Show them how the berries can bounce and let them listen to the sound they make when they bounce. 

Next, put the fresh cranberries into a bin full of water.  One of the first thing students will learn is that Cranberries float.  They can use various sensory tools to move the floating berries around.  A pre-school teacher used Halloween themed tools to add a festive element.   

After playing in the floating berries discuss with the students why they think the cranberries float.  After listening to their ideas cut one open.  Together discover that the inside of the cranberry is hallow.  Reinforce this discovery by letting the students stamp the hallow shape on paper.

Sensory bins are perfect for fall festivals or booths.  Visitors can explore the bins without instruction and discover the interesting properties of cranberries. 

The possibilities are endless!


Cranberry Toothpick Structures


Cranberry Sauce