Cran-Career BINGO


The Cranberry Learning team recently attended the Power of Ag Career Expo.  We were able to speak to around 350 sophomore students from 8 local high schools.  We were there to talk about all the different Cran-Career possibilities.  There are so many different careers we decided to make a game to direct our conversation points.

We teamed up with Farm Bureau and Ashleigh Calloway had a brilliant idea to play bingo.  Together we came up with a list of Cran-Careers and other ag careers to put on the bingo card.  Once the students had bingo, they earned a piece of candy.

For the career expo we used larger bingo cards and general career information.  In the classroom, we would use smaller bingo cards and talk about less careers in more detail.

Cran-Career bingo cards can be paired with the Career Spotlights found under resources.  Use a smartboard to display the career spotlights and discuss various points.  Playing games while learning can make the subject more interesting.  Consider Cranberry snacks for bingo markers and prizes.


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